Blog Post#3
Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones has been the true
essence of feminism. Game of thrones is one of the only shows that I know that
has just the amount of female characters as male. I think that this is a huge
feet for society especially since that is one of HBO’s most popular shows, and
is watched by millions each week. The
series is so popular that the premiere of the most recent season had over 18
million views upon its release. One thing that I would like to point out as
well is although Game of Thrones may get stereotyped as a guy’s show, in fact
about 40% of the viewers are women. That is awesome in my view because it is
not common that you have a show that displays feminism and does so well, and
have its viewership equal among both genders.
I would like to talk about Daenerys Targaryen
specifically. Daenerys is the one who wins the feminist award in TV shows if
there were one. The reason why I think that she is such a great feminist character
is because she has overcome so much. She started out as one of the only
survives of her family, besides her bother. Daenerys has been sold to a dothraki
warlord, took over the reigns when he died, which is very important because the
dothraki have had no woman leader, it always
falls to the men. The dothraki also only follow the strong, and for her to be a
leader to these people show just how strong of a character and woman she is. After
that she soon conquered cities and gained an army. I want to point out how not
only is this abnormal in the world of Game of Thrones for a woman to have such
power but also how abnormal it is to have it in such a prevalent TV show. Other time feminism has been increasing and
increasing in media. This is great that society is headed in this direction.
Although some may say that this is just a TV show and has no merit to the real
world. Those people are wrong and highly ignorant. The fact that they are
airing powerful female characters shows just how much society is changing. Airing
such material will also so how this generation and maybe even the next how
strong women can be and also show that they can get a important main role in television
just as much as a man can.
As time moves on we see more and more
female actors gaining important roles in film. Game of Thrones is one of them,
and with viewership increasing each season it will hopefully spread feminism in
other shows. Hopefully Game of Thrones view on women will be the standard in
the film industry and show other TV shows and movies how to properly create a
female character. This is not saying that all shows need women that conquer and
take what is theirs through fire and blood, but just saying that women are not
one dimensional and can be just as powerful as men in fiction and real life.
Totally disagree! But I respect your opinion and enjoyed reading this.